炫麗 Shiny黃金白銀交易所 英國皇家鑄幣廠 黃金投資

英國皇家鑄幣廠表示,黃金吸引了在線交易的年輕投資者 英國皇家鑄幣廠表示,黃金吸引了在線交易的年輕投資者
Gold attracts young investors trading online, says The Royal Mint

By Kevin Peachey
July 21, 2021
Personal finance correspondent, BBC News
Gold has glistered for young investors with The Royal Mint recording a fivefold rise in young adults taking a stake in the precious metal.
The Mint, which is wholly owned by the Treasury, said young investors were attracted to its new digital platform for gold investment.
The investments are backed by gold stored in The Royal Mint's vaults.
It reported pre-tax profits of £12.4m in the last financial year, up from a £200,000 loss the previous year.
該公司報告上一財政年度的稅前利潤為 1240 萬英鎊,高於上一年的 20 萬英鎊虧損。
  • 'Using my part-time pay to invest in stocks' "用我的兼職工資投資股票"
  • 'Thrill of investing' leads young to take risk" "投資快感”引領年輕人冒險"
A host of companies are now offering gold investments for digitally-savvy young investors.
許多公司現在正在為 “精通數位技術的年輕投資者” 提供黃金投資。
The interest from do-it-yourself young investors, putting their money into investments ranging from cryptocurrencies to environmental assets, prompted the City watchdog to carry out research on the risks they were taking.
DIY 年輕投資者的興趣,將他們的資金投入從加密貨幣到環境資產的投資,促使紐約市監管機構對他們所承擔的風險進行研究。
The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) found these "self-directed" investors - who trade themselves rather than seeking financial advice - were willing to "have a go" at investing, particularly in high-risk products, for the "challenge, competition and novelty".
金融行為監管局 (FCA) 發現這些“自我導向”的投資者——他們自己交易而不是尋求財務建議——願意“嘗試”投資,尤其是高風險產品,以應對“挑戰、競爭和新奇”。
Gold is generally considered as a safe investment, and has been popular among investors globally at times of uncertainty such as the pandemic and low interest rates for cash.
The Mint said its new digital savings platforms attracted fresh customers to precious metals investment, which it had offered through other channels for years.
It said investment in limited edition coins. produced alongside coins for general circulation, had also proved popular in the last year.
Anne Jessopp, the Mint's chief executive, said: "As spending habits change, we set out to reinvent The Royal Mint and secure our long term future as a British maker.
鑄幣局首席執行官安妮·傑索普 (Anne Jessopp) 表示:“隨著消費習慣的改變,我們著手重塑皇家鑄幣廠,並確保我們作為英國製造商的長期未來。
"By purposefully expanding into areas which complement our heritage we have been able to attract thousands of customers to precious metals, showcase British craftsmanship and achieve record revenues. We might be 1,100 years old, but we are firmly focused on the future."
“通過有目的地擴展到與我們的傳統相輔相成的領域,我們已經能夠吸引成千上萬的客戶購買貴金屬,展示英國工藝並實現創紀錄的收入。我們可能已有 1100 年的歷史,但我們堅定地專注於未來。”
Alongside its more traditional operations, the Mint also produced nearly two million visors for the NHS in the last year, in response to the Covid crisis.
除了更傳統的業務外,造幣廠去年還為 NHS 生產了近 200 萬個面罩,以應對 Covid 危機。
炫麗 Shiny黃金白銀交易所
引用: BBC News

