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黃金投資者面臨擔憂之牆 黃金投資者面臨擔憂之牆
Gold investors facing their wall of worry

Neils Christensen
July 16, 2021
The gold market heard some fairly soothing words from Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell as he continued to downplay the inflation threat and reiterated that despite the talk, the central bank is not ready to shift its current ultra-accommodative monetary policies.
Despite this dovish stance, the gold market only briefly touched a one-month high. Looking at the price action, there is some obvious hesitancy among gold investors to move full-throttle back into the market. I think this all comes down to the inflation threat.
While Powell may be saying everything the market wants to hear, it is difficult to see how the looming inflation threat will be transitory. There are growing expectations that higher prices will be a lot stickier than central bank economists forecast.
While a lot of investors focused on this week’s Consumer Price Index, which saw an annual rise of 5.4%, I think the more impactful numbers came from the Producer Price Index. The report said that annual headline inflation rose 7.3%, the largest advance since 12-month data were first calculated in November 2010.
雖然許多投資者關注本週的消費者價格指數,該指數的年增長率為 5.4%,但我認為更具影響力的數字來自生產者價格指數。報告稱,年度總體通脹上升 7.3%,為 2010 年 11 月首次計算 12 個月數據以來的最大漲幅。
The reality is that even if companies start seeing lower input costs, they aren’t going to necessarily pass those saving on to customers. Let’s use lumber as an example. In the first half of the year, lumber prices saw an unprecedented rally to stratosphere highs. In May, the U.S. home builders association noted that because of record-high lumber prices, the average price of a new single-family home increased by nearly $36,000.
現實情況是,即使公司開始看到較低的投入成本,他們也不一定會將節省的成本轉嫁給客戶。我們以木材為例。今年上半年,木材價格出現前所未有的反彈至平流層高位。今年 5 月,美國房屋建築商協會指出,由於木材價格創歷史新高,新單戶住宅的平均價格上漲了近 36,000 美元。
Lumbers prices made headlines again this week as the market has given up all of its gains from the first half of this year. Can we not expect that new homes will now cost $36,000 less?
本週木材價格再次成為頭條新聞,因為市場已經放棄了今年上半年的所有漲幅。我們難道不能指望現在新房的成本會降低 36,000 美元嗎?
More and more people are starting to wake up to the new reality that we are entering a new inflation regime. Even the world’s biggest asset management firm is jumping on the Bandwagon.
BlackRock chief executive Larry Fink said on Wednesday that the U.S. should brace itself for a period of higher inflation and wouldn’t rule out a sustained increase above 3%. At the same time, he also announced that 95% of BlackRock employees would get an 8% pay increase.
BlackRock首席執行官拉里芬克週三表示,美國應該為更高的通脹時期做好準備,不排除通脹持續超過 3% 的可能性。同時,他還宣布,BlackRock 95%的員工將獲得8%的加薪。
While this is positive for gold in the long term, the reality is that gold could suffer as the market and investors focus on the transition. As inflation picks up, interest rates will have to rise off the floor, which means opportunity costs to hold gold will rise.
However, for gold investors, the important thing is to keep an eye on the long-term horizon. Interest rates will rise, but they aren’t going up very far and will still remain low compared to historical norms for the foreseeable future.
By Neils Christensen
炫麗 Shiny黃金白銀交易所
引用: Kitco News

