炫麗 Shiny黃金白銀交易所 LBMA 白銀 銀條 金條

倫敦金庫中的白銀庫存創歷史新高 倫敦金庫中的白銀庫存創歷史新高
Record Stocks of Silver Held in London Vaults

July 2021
As at end June 2021, the amount of silver held in London vaults hit a record high of 36,706 tonnes, valued at $30.4 billion which equates to approximately 1,223,521 silver bars.
截至 2021 年 6 月底,倫敦金庫中持有的白銀數量創下 36,706 噸的歷史新高,價值 304 億美元,相當於約 1,223,521 根銀條。
There was also 9,587 tonnes of gold, valued at $543.5 billion, which equates to approximately 766,989 gold bars. This represents the second highest stocks on record after the all-time high recorded at the end of January 2021.
還有 9,587 噸黃金,價值 5,435 億美元,相當於約 766,989 條金條。這是繼 2021 年 1 月底創下的歷史新高之後的第二高存量。
These figures provide an important insight into London’s ability to underpin the physical OTC market.
The publication on the fifth business day of each month of the amount of gold the London vaults were holding at the end of the previous month follows the recent move to publish the equivalent data for silver. It represents a continued move towards greater transparency and timeliness.

炫麗 Shiny黃金白銀交易所
來源: lbma.org.uk
