炫麗 Shiny黃金白銀交易所 黃金

各國央行再次進入黃金市場 各國央行再次進入黃金市場
Central banks are dipping into the gold market again

Rajan Dhall 
Monday July 05, 2021
Central banks from Serbia to Thailand have been adding to gold holdings and Ghana recently announced plans for purchases. This comes as the threat of accelerating inflation looms and a recovery in global trade provides the firepower to make purchases for diversification.
The Bank of Ghana to implement a Gold Purchase Programme designed to purchase locally-produced gold. Vice President Bawumia said the benefits of having a healthy amount of physical gold in a country's reserves are varied and enormous, including shoring up the value of the local currency. The BoG decision, he indicated, is a "game-changer.".
Thailand was the biggest buyer, adding a further 46.7t in May and accounting for a whopping 82% of total net purchases for the month. Turkey also increased its gold reserves by 8.6t during the month, bringing official sector reserves to 415t. Brazil increased gold reserves by 11.9t, its first addition since November 2012. Gold reserves now stand at 79.3t (1% of total reserves) which is the highest level since November 2000. Kazakhstan (5.3t), Poland (1.9t), and India (0.9t) were the other notable buyers during the month
泰國是最大的買家,5 月份又增加了 46.7 噸,佔當月淨採購總量的 82%。土耳其本月的黃金儲備也增加了 8.6 噸,使官方部門的儲備達到 415 噸。巴西增加了 11.9 噸黃金儲備,這是自 2012 年 11 月以來的首次增加。目前黃金儲備為 79.3 噸(佔總儲備量的 1%),這是自 2000 年 11 月以來的最高水平。哈薩克斯坦(5.3 噸)、波蘭(1.9 噸)、和印度(0.9 噸)是本月的其他重要買家
The National Bank of Serbia said, "Long term, gold is the most significant guardian and guarantor of protection against inflationary and other forms of financial risks,". Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic recently announced the central bank intends to boost holdings of the precious metal to 50 tons from 36.3 tons.
塞爾維亞國家銀行表示,“長期來看,黃金是抵禦通貨膨脹和其他形式金融風險的最重要的守護者和擔保人”。塞爾維亞總統亞歷山大·武契奇最近宣布,央行打算將貴金屬的持有量從 36.3 噸增加到 50 噸。
Looking at investment bank commentary James Steel, chief precious metals analyst at HSBC "If a central bank is looking at diversifying, gold is a marvelous way of moving out of the dollar without selecting another currency,".
匯豐首席貴金屬分析師詹姆斯·斯蒂爾(James Steel)在看投資銀行評論時說:“如果央行正在考慮多元化,那麼黃金是一種無需選擇另一種貨幣即可脫離美元的絕妙方式,”。
The World Gold Council (WGC) said following a higher level of monthly net purchases in March and April, our latest data published today shows that this trend continued into May. Central banks net purchases totaled a healthy 56.7t during the month, down 11% M/M but 43% above the YTD monthly average.
世界黃金協會 (WGC) 表示,繼 3 月和 4 月的月度淨購買量較高後,我們今天發布的最新數據顯示,這種趨勢一直持續到 5 月。本月央行淨購買總量為 56.7 噸,環比下降 11%,但比年初至今的月平均水平高出 43%。
By Rajan Dhall
炫麗 Shiny黃金白銀交易所
引用: Kitco News

